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Receiving Reports of Interpersonal Violence

Faculty and staff who have experienced Interpersonal Violence or know someone who has experienced Interpersonal violence are encouraged to contact the Office of Access and Equity for information about both on and off campus resources (828-262-2144). Please click on the menu bar to the left for more resources for faculty and staffr.

To increase accountability, legislation requires certain employees to report certain disclosures to the Title IX Coordinator. As a university employee, you may be required to report crimes that you observe or know about.

There are two types of roles that have reporting requirements.

1. Campus Security Authority (CSA)

A CSA is someone who has responsibility for campus security and is usually associated with campus police, security personnel, an organization where students and employees can report crimes, or an official who has a significant responsibility for student and campus activities. To submit a CSA form to the Clery Coordinator, visit CSA registration / training / incident reporting.

2. Responsible Employee

A Responsible Employee is a Title IX term that indicates an employee who has the authority to address sexual violence or who has been given the duty of reporting. It may also be an employee who a student reasonably believes has this duty and authority.

Responsible Employees must report incidents of sexual misconduct involving students to the Office of Access and Equity.

If you do not have specific obligations for reporting, you can still give others support or refer them to someone who can help.

If you are unsure of your specific role, check with the Office of Access and Equity or speak with your supervisor to understand your responsibilities.